The other day I spent a little while at my grandparents. It’s a shame I don’t visit them more often… my only excuse is a pretty bad one… “life is busy.”
My dear grandparents are both fairly well seasoned by now. They’ve each lived about 33,000 days.
Grandaddy is legally blind and doesn’t get around to well, grandmamma can get around fairly well but has trouble hearing… Together they get most things figured out.
They have lived pretty incredible lives. They’ve touched a lot lives and have done a lot of things.
The stories they tell range from a number of big trips they’ve taken, to the year they spent in Guatemala as house parents, to times before they left the Amish, to the early years here on the farm in Virginia.
33,000 days is a lot of days. Most of the stories they tell cover multiple days, weeks and even months… but the same common denominator of time crosses each one of these stories.
Each day came.
Each day went.
Most of those day’s probably didn’t feel overly significant in and of themselves.
The past couple of days I’ve been trying to think about the following…
What am I doing today that I can tell my grandkids about?
Note:: the above would assume that I would at some point down the road actually have grandkids…
At this very second it would seem like I have a lot of “days in the bank” yet. However the truth is that each day is an incredible gift that holds a lot of potential. None of us really knows how many days we have left “in the bank.”
You’ve probably heard people using the term “YOLO” or “you only live once!” as the reason behind doing some really crazy thing. Maybe instead of using YOLO as a reason to do crazy things we should think of it as a reason to do things that matter… every day.
Anyway… that’s what I’ve been thinking about the past number of mornings.
My grandparents are pretty amazing. I am truly blessed to be a where I am and part of the family I have.
The only thing missing is your voice!