This morning I wrote a blog post.
It’s one of those kinds of posts that has the potential to be a bit touchy.
I’ve decided to wait till tomorrow for that particular post.
It isn’t that I’m incredibly afraid of what I want to say on the particular subject, although there is a bit of trepidation on this one.
It is more that I want to take the time to read carefully through what I’ve written and make sure that I’m actually saying what I think I’m saying.
There is nothing as frustrating as writing a post and then reading it after you publish it only to realize that you said something entirely different than you thought you were.
So, this is a short, cautionary post.
I’m a firm believer that sometimes we just need to take more time with whatever it is we are working on. Especially when it deals with a subject or topic that is potentially touchy.
Don’t be the guy who spouts off on Twitter and then has to try to delete his tweets to keep his image in tact.
Instead take some time to think before you tweet or hit publish.
Maybe you’ll decide you don’t need to say the thing you were going to say.
Or maybe you’ll think of a better way to say it.
Either way, waiting a few hours, minutes or a day can give you added perspective and a clearer picture of what you are trying to accomplish or say.
At least I think it can… I’m going on that assumption for now. 🙂
Happy Tuesday!
The only thing missing is your voice!