Beam of Light – Light – Photo
I was visiting some friends out of state and they happened to live close to a large lake – one of the great lakes.
There also happened to be a pier close to their place and there was a light at the end of the pier. That white stuff is ice. It had rained and was quite cold…
At some point a few of us took a walk down to the lake at night and I couldn’t help but take my camera and tripod to take a few pictures.
I’ll be honest and say that I don’t remember a lot about what I did to make this image. I do remember using a long shutter speed to get enough light to expose decently.
I also remember that I had to push the raw file farther than I like to in Lightroom.
Other than that there wasn’t much, a simple conversion to black and white and a boost in contrast brought us pretty close to where we are today.
Thanks for checking it out!
Eldon Yoder
The only thing missing is your voice!